
Bloggende Online Nerds Zentraleuropa | Bloggerkollektiv | Webkultur


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Das Video „Alone and surrounded with Reason“ von Television wird wohl nicht gross auf fb verbreitet. Finde es trotzdem eine stimmige Collage, die den alltäglichen Entertainment-tv(und blog)-bullshit in Zusammenhang mit dem Gewinn der Pharmamultis stellt. –> Nur für Arty-Farties

laem meint: „A growing sense of isolationism has been curtained by the unchecked capitalism of psycho-pharmisuedical companies to keep people sedated. It has gotten to be so bad that there is report of how bad the mental state is through the daily news of mass violence. This video is a response to this. All the information of reality is provided, but we blindly turn to it, not wanting to make our own decisions.“


Schreibt über Kultur, Musik und Filme.

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